Not known Facts About VIRGINIA IS FOR LOVERS, NOT LITTER - Newsroom
More About The Psychology of Littering - The Allegheny Front

Also among their retinue were payong (umbrella)-bearers, to shade the royalty and nobility from the extreme heat. Princesses (binibini, dayang dayang) who were sequestered from the world were called or Binocot ("set apart"). An unique kind of royal, these individuals were forbidden to walk on the ground or be exposed to the general people.
Longer journeys needed that they be borne inside bigger, covered palanquins with silk covers, with some taking the type of a miniature hut. In Spanish-colonial Philippines, litters stayed among the options of transport for the Spanish residents and members of the native principalia class. In Africa [edit] A metaphorical palanquin.
In Southern Ghana the Akan and the Ga-Dangme carry their chiefs and kings in palanquins when they appear in their state durbars. When used in such occasions these palanquins may be seen as a replacements of a state coach in Europe or a horse utilized in Northern Ghana. The chiefs of the Ga (mantsemei) in the Greater Accra Region (Ghana) usage likewise figurative palanquins which are built after a chief's family symbol or totem.
The Ultimate Guide To Litter & Potty in Pet Department - King Soopers
They are related with the figurative caskets which have ended up being really popular among the Ga in the last 50 years. Considering that Look At This Piece were shown 1989 in the exhibit "Les magicians de la terre" in the Centre Pompidou in Paris they were displayed in many art museums worldwide.

COVID-19 Curbs Roadside Litter Cleanups - Coastal Review
Seat-style litters with a single pole along the back of the chair carried by two males (typically servants) were topped with an umbrella. Lounge-style litters in the shape of a bed were used to move one to 2 people with a porter at each corner. Due to the tropical climate, horses were not native to the area nor could they survive long as soon as introduced by the Portuguese.

Littering in Pennsylvania: Ideas to cut down on trash - The Morning Call
In the West [edit] In Europe [modify] Portuguese and Spanish navigators and colonisers experienced litters of numerous sorts in India, Mexico, and Peru. Such novelties, imported into Spain, spread out into France and then to Britain. All the European names for these devices ultimately derive from the root sed-, as in Latin sedere, "to sit", which generated seda ("seat") and its small sedula ("little seat"), the latter of which was contracted to sella, the traditional Classical Latin name for a chair, consisting of a carried chair.